Americanet approves our partner (BSP) WEBBSYS SOLUCOES DE TECNOLOGIA EM INFORMATICA LTDA to have control and responsibility over the display names related to the numbers below:

Number: +5511935012000

Display name:  Americanet

Number identification: 103871839316573

WhatsAPP Business Account ID: 115423764815038

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Number: +5511935013000

Display name: Americanet Informa

Number identification: 118016514563023

WhatsAPP Business Account ID: 111478965223569

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Number: +5585935002000

Display name: Americanet Informa

Number identification: 113392334980700

WhatsAPP Business Account ID: 110031731988050

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Number: +5511935002145

Display name: Americanet Informa

Number identification: 104499552624018

WhatsAPP Business Account ID: 103891816018835